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Immagine del redattoreFabio Pierro

1.7.10 Appendix - contradiction matrix parameters 26- 30

Aggiornamento: 8 nov 2021

26 Copying

A. Replace unavailable, expensive, fragile object with inexpensive copies

■ Imitation jewellery

■ Astroturf

■ Crash test dummy

■ Transfers instead of tattoos

B. Replace an object, or process with optical copies

■ Do surveying from space photographs instead of on the ground

■ Measure an object by scaling measurements from a photograph

■ Virtual reality/Virtual mock-ups electronic pre-assembly modelling

C. If visible optical copies are used, move to infrared or ultraviolet copies

■ Make images in infrared to detect heat sources, such as diseases in crops, or intruders in a security system

■ Use UV as a non-destructive crack detection method

■ UV light used to attract flying insects into trap

27 Cheap Short -Living Objects

Replace an expensive object with a multiple of inexpensive objects, compromising certain qualities (such as service life, for instance)

■ Cheaper tools – screwdrivers

■ Disposable serviettes, nappies paper cups/plates/forks/cameras/ torches /etc

■ Throw - away cigarette lighters

■ Matches versus lighters

■ Sacrificial coatings/components

28 Replace Mechanical System

A. Replace a mechanical system with a sensory one

■ Reversing sensors on cars vs. bumbers

■ Natural Gas odorisation

■ Replace a physical barrier with an acoustic one (audible to animals)

■ Add a bad smell to natural gas to alert users to leaks

■ Finger-print/retina/etc scan instead of a key

■ Voice activated telephone dialling

■ Movement sensors replace light switches

■ Fire alarms: triggered by smoke/ heat

■ Retinal recognition for security

■ Voice recognition software instead of typing

■ Traffic lights instead of traffic policeman

■ Lights and bells rather than secure barriers at rail crossings

■ Baby alarms

■ Security Systems

B. Use electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields to interact with the object

■ To mix 2 powders, electrostatically charge one positive and the other negative

■ Electrostatic precipitators separate particles from airflow

■ Improve efficiency of paint-spraying by oppositely charging paint droplets and object to be painted

■ Pick up tools

■ Magnetic bearings

■ Field activated switches

■ Boot lock replaced by electrical coil

■ TV remote

■ Maglev over wheels/rails

C. Replace stationary fields with moving, unstructured fields with structured

■ Early communications used omni-directional broadcasting. We now use antennas with very detailed structure of the pattern of radiation

■ Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner

D. Use fields in conjunction with field-activated (e.g. ferromagnetic) particles

■ Heat a substance containing ferromagnetic material by using varying magnetic field. When the temperature exceeds the Curie point, the material becomes paramagnetic, and no longer absorbs heat

■ Ferro-magnetic catalysts

■ Magneto-rheological effect –uses ferromagnetic particles and variable magnetic field to alter the viscosity of a fluid

■ Ferro-fluids – e.g. Magnatec oil – stay attached to surfaces requiring lubrication

■ Ultrasonic sealing (medical/plastic bags)

29 Pneumatics and Hydraulics

Use gas and liquid parts of an object instead of solid parts (e.g. inflatable, filled with liquids, air cushion, hydrostatic, hydro-reactive)

■ Transition from mechanical to hydraulic or pneumatic drive

■ Inflatable furniture/mattress/etc.

■ Gel filled saddle adapts to user

■ Hollow section O-rings

■ Hovercraft

■ Gas bearings

■ Acoustic panels incorporating Helmholtz resonators

30 Flexible Shells & Thin Films

A. Use flexible shells and thin films instead of three-dimensional structures

■ Use inflatable (thin film) structures

■ Taut-liner trucks

■ Tarpaulin car cover instead of garage

■ Store energy in stretchable bags – accumulators in a hydraulic system

B. Isolate the object from its external environment using flexible membranes

■ Bubble-wrap

■ Bandages/plasters

■ Tea bag

■ Heat curtain instead of solid door

■ Segmented plastic vertical strips used in refrigeration and hospitals


TRIZ for Engineers: Enabling Inventive Problem Solving, First Edition. Karen Gadd.

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-74188-7

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