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Immagine del redattoreFabio Pierro

1.0 La storia della teoria TRIZ

Aggiornamento: 24 set 2021

Nel 400 a.c. il greco Pappos definì la parola “euristica” come la scienza del fare scoperte e invenzioni.

Le parole “scoperta” e “invenzione” hanno esse stesse un significato ampio,

includendo il prodotto del lavoro di artisti, politici, generali, etc., ma euristica identifica un

processo per la soluzione dei problemi. Altshuller diede nuova vita all’euristica attraverso il suo processo per l’innovazione sistematica.

TRIZ è l’acronimo delle parole russe:

Tеория Pешения Изобретательскиx Задач

La pronuncia corretta inglese è “Trēz” (usando l'alfabeto fonetico internazionale. In italiano si pronuncia esattamente come è scritto: TRIZ).

La traduzione in inglese sarebbe “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving”, che porterebbe all’acronimo TIPS (In italiano sarebbe Teoria per la Soluzione dei Problemi Inventivi). Altshuller, nel suo libro “Creativity as an Exact Science” propone la traduzione inglese “Theory of Solution of Inventive Problems” (TSIP). Ci sono inoltre organizzazioni che si riferiscono a TRIZ come “Systematic Innovation”. Una ricerca di informazioni TRIZ sul web dovrebbe utilizzare tutti e quattro i termini. In ogni modo, indipendentemente dalla sigla utilizzata, TRIZ rappresenta uno strumento indispensabile per potenziare l’innovazione e migliorare la progettazione, eliminando la tendenza a raggiungere soluzioni di compromesso generate dai conflitti fra diversi parametri del problema. TRIZ considera invece l’identificazione di conflitti come opportunità di miglioramento del processo di soluzione di problemi.


Testo estratto da: Innovazione sistematica - un'introduzione a TRIZ, la teoria per la soluzione dei problemi inventivi - John Terninko, Alla Zusman, Boris Zlotin Traduzione di Sergio Lorenzi


TRIZ is a unique, rigorous and powerful toolkit which guides engineers to understand and solve their problems by accessing the immense treasure of past engineering and scientific knowledge. TRIZ helps us find the surprisingly few relevant and practical answers to our real problems. This is made simple by the TRIZ summary of all the conceptual answers to engineering and scientific problems.

TRIZ is the only solution toolkit which exists so far in the world that offers engineers help beyond brainstorming at the actual concept – solution locating and problem solving moments. There are wonderful toolkits for understanding problems, with analysis processes for capturing the requirements, analysing the systems, looking at processes and pinpointing actual causes of problems. There are also many rigorous and useful toolkits for the time after problem solving has occurred, including processes for selecting solutions and developing them, with useful ways of evaluating and predicting costs etc.; but for the actual moment of problem solving the search and capture of the right solutions or new concepts there is only

TRIZ. Until TRIZ the assumption has been that clever engineers and scientists would somehow find the right answers either individually or collectively by brainstorming and using their experience and knowledge.

Before TRIZ no one had looked to systematically summarize all the published solutions to

scientific and engineering problems and seek similarities, overlaps and patterns. When the founder of TRIZ, Altshuller, examined patent databases he found only 40 solutions to solving contradictions and a total of about 100 conceptual solutions for improving systems and solving problems which can be used together with the 2500 or so scientific and engineering theories (called effects in TRIZ) to solve problems. Together with his TRIZ community

Altshuller developed TRIZ as the "science of creativity" derived from all scientific and engineering success and offered a practical problem solving toolkit for engineering systems. The principal TRIZ tools direct us to find all the ways for improving and solving problems in existing systems and processes. They also help us find relevant concepts to develop the next generation systems, and they offer systematic processes for inventing and developing new products. TRIZ has simple general concept lists to help us solve any problem; these TRIZ solution triggers are distilled from analysing all known published successful, scientific and engineering solutions. TRIZ tools are unique in their power for problem solving but TRIZ also offers simple tools for problem understanding, for system analysis, for understanding what we want, and for stimulating new ideas, creative thought and innovative solutions.


TRIZ for Engineers: Enabling Inventive Problem Solving, First Edition. Karen Gadd.

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-74

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